Master Service Provider Archives - CBSI (A FirstMeridian Company)
5 Ways to Get The Most from a Managed IT Services Provider

5 Ways to Get The Most from a Managed IT Services Provider

Joining hands with the managed service providers enables business employees to focus more on strategic projects, saving considerable time. Developing a robust and strategic partnership with the MSP services is the need of the hour to achieve strategic IT advice and master plans.

Managed IT Services benefit all businesses and serve them with incredible advantages. This write-up highlights the five best ways to get the most out of the managed IT service providers and reach greater heights of success.

Let’s explore this thoroughly:

5 Major Ways to Get Maximum from Managed IT Service Provider

  1. Consider MSP Your Partners Instead of Replacements: Most businesses rely on outsourcing companies to perform their IT needs. That’s why a business should consider the MSPs as their partners rather than replacing the internal IT team. Alongside this, MSP should consider expanding their existing internal IT staff, freeing up your staff to focus more on crucial tasks.
  2. Clear, Concise, & Established Role: There should be clarity among the employees and MSP providers about who is performing the roles to have a successful MSP partnership. Moreover, ensure that you have a customized and robust reporting structure; otherwise, it may lead to alleviation in performance.
  3. Count on Their Expertise: An MSP has expertise in assisting a business to align its technology with its goals. As a result, it develops agile and scalable solutions that eventually help to grow your business exponentially. Furthermore, to get the most from the MSPs, you should schedule regular meetings to keep yourself updated with the latest information.
  4. Develop a Proactive Relationship with MSP: When the goal is to get the most out of the MSP, you’ll need to make some budget adjustments according to your IT usage pattern shifts and goals. So, when you develop a proactive and sustainable partnership with an MSP company, your business experiences sophisticated changes to your servers, systems, and workstations. You can rely on their strategic suggestions to plan your IT projects more efficiently.

Seeking For MSP Services? Hire CBSI Global Today!

If you plan to incorporate MSP services into your business, CBSI Global is a profitable business to partner with. CBSI Global is a FirstMeridian company that offers strategic and customized MSP programs to businesses and help them to expand their organizations most effectively. But ensure few MSP companies give reliable services, which is why you choose the renowned and experienced company while choosing the MSP program.

Final Words

To conclude this write-up, we’d like to say that a business must actively participate and collaborate with the selected MSP company to end a successful partnership. You can also connect with CBSI Global, one of the best companies providing MSP services.

Want to have customized MSP solutions in your business? Let us build it for you!!

An Expert Guide To MSP Recruitment In 2023

An Expert Guide To MSP Recruitment In 2023

An organization’s temporary worker recruiting is handled by a managed service provider, who manages the contingent workforce from supplier management to strategic workforce planning. One of the most efficient and cost-effective ways for a company to manage its contingent work is to use a managed service provider.

Is the contingent employment process at your organization decentralized, with several providers adhering to different norms and SLAs? Do you need help keeping track of your spending, predicting hiring patterns for the future, and building a strong vendor ecosystem for contingent staffing?

At CBSI Global, we provide specialized MSP services solutions to simplify your business’s staffing processes, eliminate regulatory concerns, cut expenses, and create a single Master Vendor relationship. Our team organizes and automates your whole staffing process and works with you to develop a future-proof contingent talent supply chain strategy.

Why Should Your Organization Use an MSP?

Previously, companies depended solely on themselves to hire a lawyer, human resources manager, and accountant. These operations are now outsourced, which makes it simpler for businesses to concentrate on keeping customers and employees.

Utilizing an MSP service has several advantages, such as increased profitability, competitive pricing, a streamlined procedure, and a single point of contact. According to studies, 60% and 80% of all Fortune 500 organizations have adopted the MSP model for hiring.

Objectives of Our MSP Programs

  • CBSI as the Powerhouse of Single-Point sourcing
  • One Compliance Process for All Vendors
  • Best Resource Sharing Between Vendors
  • Resource Management From A to Z
  • Predictability, Risk Mitigation & coordination

Best MSP Services- Get Professionals Matching Your Business Requirements

The hiring process includes several tasks that might be challenging for businesses to complete. You won’t always be able to choose the talent that exactly matches the needs of your firm. But as long as CBSI Global is present, your mind is at ease. We serve as your backbone, aiding you with all HR tasks, including hiring both permanent and temporary employees.

By giving you access to talented, trained, and qualified individuals, CBSI Global enables you to reach greater heights of success. We are committed to providing your company with ideal, distinctive, and seasoned employees.

CBSI Global: Build a Robust Vendor Ecosystem for Contingent Staffing

It’s time to halt if you’ve been looking for an MSP recruitment services provider. Reach out to CBSI Global so you can quickly enjoy the best IT personnel. We are a crucial component of the FirstMeridian Group, a well-known online marketplace for hiring professionals. Our areas of expertise are recruitment, HR automation, managed services, and staffing. In the past 20 years, we have engaged 44,800+ technology consultants for countless MNCs and Fortune 500 firms. Are you interested in learning more about the advantages of using CBSI Global as your recruitment partner? Connect with our team to get in-depth information. Our team will make your contingent staffing operations seamless and help in global expansion with our strategic MSP program.



How To Choose The Right MSP Company For Your Business In India?

How To Choose The Right MSP Company For Your Business In India?

Most companies have been catching up with the Master service providers to manage their IT infrastructures in the IT department. However, finding a renowned and experienced MSP company is not child’s play. This write-up highlights the steps to approach the right MSP company for your business in India. Let’s get started:

Here are the pan-points that one should look at while selecting the MSP company

  1. Decades-Long Experience: A MSP company should have a decades-long experience that enables them to provide the out-of-box MSP contractors in your business. They must comprehend your industry’s requirements, and their inexperience helps those companies get you the skilled professionals aligning with your company’s needs.
  2. Sophisticated Technical Knowledge & Technologies: Advanced technologies have constantly been evolving and developing revenue-generating opportunities in the business. When you are outsourcing an MSP company, it should be well-equipped with upgraded technologies and technical knowledge. They should know all the ins and outs of seamlessly implementing the technologies in the business.
  3. Flexible Customized MSP Solutions: An MSP recruitment company must have the ability to offer you customized MSP solutions, which means that they can provide you with the bulk number of permanent and non-permanent employees as per your requirements. In addition, they should serve you with the IT infrastructure library(ITTL) and best practices to support the entire team in an organization. This way, it adds greater efficiencies, helping your business minimize costs.
  4. Access to Talent Pool: An MSP recruitment service provider must access the qualified talent pool to provide you with the best talent in no time. If they don’t have access to the talent pool, you won’t get capable personnel. Subsequently, it will lead to less productivity running the company’s reputation.
  5. Quick Response: Another crucial hallmark of a renowned MSP company is getting a prompt response. A business also enjoys seamless and smooth business continuity. For example: suppose some unprecedented events are occurring in the business. In this situation, an MSP company should be strong enough to respond at the drop of a hat to address the issues. Professional MSP companies are always committed to overcoming all the issues in the shortest possible time.

CBSI Global: The FirstMeridian Company Ensuring Exponential Growth

We have furnished you with all the points one should consider while choosing an MSP company. Once you adhere to all the above-mentioned factors, you’ll end up with a decades-long, experienced MSP company.

CBSI Global is one of the best MSP companies ensuring qualified candidates in the business in no time. They have served well the 500+Businesses in hiring 44,800+

technology consultants so far. We specialize in offering contract staffing, Master Service Provider, Permanent Recruitment, and Hire-Train-Deploy programs.

Connect with us today to know more about our extraordinary services!

Importance Of Managed Services: 5 Reasons To Partner With An MSP

Importance Of Managed Services: 5 Reasons To Partner With An MSP

Technological advancement has come a long way in all industries, including finance, marketing, retail, and human resource hiring. This calls for proactive IT staff training like the back of their hands. They should have strong command over the upgrade technologies and deliver impeccable deliverables. That’s why many companies prefer considering a renowned MSP company that oversees the entire contractual staffing functions. This write-up highlights five reasons to join hands with an MSP service provider. Let’s get started with the points:

  1. Effective Accomplishment of Core Business Objectives: The more your business grows, the more will be IT requirements. In this situation, don’t get your employees overwhelmed with the additional burden of work. Instead, you should hire non-temporary IT staff by partnering with the MSP companies. This way, employees can easily focus on the core business objective, delivering effective output to the clients.
  2. Welcome Expertise into the Business: The advent of new technologies brings forth new problems that must be addressed as soon as possible. Hiring experts is the key to overcoming new technical challenges. However, the cost of hiring the expert is another major issue. Hence an MSP company enables you to get an expert on a contractual basis.
  3. Saves a Considerable Amount of Labor Cost: Partnering with the MSP service providers enables an organization to access qualified and skilled candidates. They are no longer required to train the employees, which involves huge costs. Otherwise, getting knowledgeable about the trained candidate is quite compelling. In this manner, a business can eliminate the cost of organizing its training and development program.
  4. Promotes Flexible Scalability: The business scalability becomes quite flexible. Due to evolving technological requirements, scaling up or down the business becomes a cakewalk with MSP services. MSP responds as per the changing demand of the companies, which ensures that you don’t need to worry about the downtime period. An MSP company has access to thousands of IT consultants or employees available at any time. They can provide you with as much as IT consultants as you need. Further, they also serve you with sophisticated services like release management, reporting, proactive monitoring, etc.
  5. Round-The-Clock Support: Most MSP companies provide round-the-clock services and support to their clients. While seeking the best MSP service provider, ensure they offer support in multiple time zones. This means you should partner with a global company like CBSI Global, which has been offering services since 2001.

Hire CBSI Global to Embrace Digital Transformation: An Trust-worthy FirstMeridian Company

CBSI Global has been a leading MSP service provider since 2001 and is gaining remarkable popularity among businesses globally. We create an exceptional HR experience like never before. Apart from the MSP, we also offer IT Contract staffing solutions, permanent recruitment solutions, and a hire-train-deploy program. You are entitled to a plethora of benefits on partnering with us:

  • Seamless payment to multiple suppliers with a single invoice
  • Higher workforce scalability
  • Considerable saving in the administration cost

Wrapping Up

The above write-up has highlighted the significance of the MSP services. To leverage the opportunities, let us help you to get experienced staff matching your business needs!!

10 Perks Of Working With A Managed Service Provider

10 Perks Of Working With A Managed Service Provider

The concept of managed services provider is exponentially growing among the corporate industries. To outbid the competitors and survive in the competitive market, a business should adhere progressive, agile and collaborative approach. Thanks to the IT staffing agencies or MSP services, they help increase the contingent talent pool.

When you hire an MSP company, they oversee all the responsibilities of the contingent workforce that exist in the organization. This way, you’ll have a strategic recruitment partner helping you to stay ahead in your industry.

Benefits of Teaming Up With A Renowned MSP Company

  1. Full Control Over The Employee Management: An MSP company enables you to decide which team you want to manage remotely and which one you want in-house. You’ll have managerial control over the employee who is outsourced. Besides, MSP services providers also alleviate complex, time-consuming, and repetitive tasks.
  1. Better Talent Acquisition & Retention: MSP companies have streamlined and standardized procedures, resulting in the best talent acquired in the company. Besides, their process is not time-consuming; they quickly hire the candidate.
  1. Higher Global Reach: Businesses operate in multiple geographies, so hiring skilled and knowledgeable talent globally becomes difficult. Suppose a company is expanding to more locations and in this scenario, tapping into the right talent is the big challenge. Nonetheless, if your MSP company operates globally, you can easily attract the different talents of multiple domains on board and retain them.
  1. Cost-Effective: MSP companies help businesses with substantial cost savings by eliminating the high fees of third-party recruitment fees. You hire the candidates for a shorter period than full-time employment, which saves the organization considerable expense.
  1. Access & Updating the New Technologies Becomes Cakewalk: By hiring a reliable and renowned MSP company, a business can quickly implement the up-to-date technologies. Otherwise, its implementation becomes quite costly. As a result, your business will stand out among the rest and achieve greater heights of success.
  1. Clear and Concise Visibility: MSP organizations are always armed with the proper VMS ( Vendor Management System) that delivers routine and detailed audit reports. Subsequently, you get full insights into the contingent workforce. Besides, you can develop a strategic employee plan to enhance productivity.

CBSI Global: Let Us Oversee Your Contingent Staffing Requirements

CBSI Global is a FirstMeridian company that hires permanent and non-permanent employees in all industries like finance, statistics, technology, engineering, commerce, economics, and the humanities. We help your business to leverage the end-to-end automation of all HR functions. We ensure you have access to the right talent in the business that further contributes to your business growth.

Let us hire the right staff for your company!

All You Need To Know About Master Service Provider(MSP)

All You Need To Know About Master Service Provider(MSP)

Whenever there is a huge requirement of non-employees or independent contractors, organizations hire the master service provider (MSP). In today’s day and age, the number of master service providers is exponentially growing in the market. These MSP service providers oversee the complete staffing process right from finding and selection to payrolls.

Moreover, companies don’t arrange dozens of phone calls, they take advantage of MSP recruitment to accomplish the goal of large-scale hiring needs. However, an organization should be aware of a few things when working with master service providers. This write-up comprises information about the MSP companies and their matter.

Importance Of An MSP company

Gone were the days when organizations had to do the entire work of hiring, including accountants, executives, and company lawyers. But now, the hiring services can easily be outsourced, forcing companies to emphasize employee retention rate and customer satisfaction. The studies suggest that approximately 60% to 80% of the companies have adopted the MSP staffing model.

The Models Used In Organizing The MSP

When it comes to organizing the MSP, three major models have a significant role:

  • Vendor Neutral Model-   A vendor cannot participate in a staffing program offered by the MSP, thus avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Hybrid MSP Model – This model enables MSP to have a proactive role in the staffing management process.
  • Vendor On-Premise Model – In this model, you select the staffing company via MSP, and further, that agency oversees the entire hiring requirements.

In the real world, MSP is nothing but a small group of professionals who handle the whole staffing process.

Tips To Select An MSP Company

Undoubtedly, there are varieties of factors that aid in the selection of the best MSP company. Let’s check out them thoroughly:

  1. The scale of MSP service providers: The size of MSP companies matters a lot as large companies often choose large size MSP service providers aligning to their scale.
  2. Type of Industry: Always choose the MSP companies that specialize in hiring in your industry. For instance, healthcare companies always hire MSPs that emphasize the healthcare sector.
  3. Experience-An experienced company always delivers the ultimate services like never before.  Make sure that you select the right MSP recruitment agency that has years of experience.

There is a bulk shortage of highly skilled and capable professionals candidates who are curious to work effectively. This is why choosing an MSP service provider has become the need of the hour for the businesses on account of having a huge database of qualified employees with them. If you have adopted the MSP model yet, it’s high time to start this and enjoy the qualified staffing that eventually aids in the company’s goal accomplishment.

Join Hands With CBSI Global For Staffing Solutions

CBSI Global is specialized in delivering customized MSP solutions that make the working of the recruitment process seamlessly. We help you find the best-fit candidate that may work in your company for a longer period and contribute to completing the objectives.

Are you looking for an MSP service provider? Reach us today and let us help you.