Hiring FAQs - CBSI (A FirstMeridian Company)

You have questions about staffing solutions. Our HR experts have the answers.

How do I retain people after I hire them?

You’ve probably hired employees in the past, to know how time-intensive it is to find the right person, on-board them properly and keep them satisfied. Hey…. “Time Equals Money”, So once you bring employees on board, you can count on us to help you retain them. We’ll consult with you to come up with strategies to improve your organization, keep enhancing the culture you’ve built, and nurture your team. Best of all, it will be a plan customized to the needs of you and your employees.

I think our hiring process needs a big overhaul. Can you help us start from scratch?
Yep! If that’s what you suspect, we’ll work with you to decide on the right next step. Hiring’s changed a lot, and we’ve kept up, and continue to keep up, with modern techniques for hiring and applicant attraction. Finding the right people is too important not to do it right. And if your process only needs tweaking, we’ll tell you that, too, and help you make it the best it can be. Learn more about our MSP service.
We have some really specific and technical positions - niche skills to fill. How will you understand what we’re looking for?
We know the last thing you want to do is spend more money trying to fill a position with a process that doesn’t yield results. We have a process that allows us to work with even the most complex of positions. And we can help you zero in on the strategies that need to be performed in order to attract the right people. We’ve worked across many industries, including manufacturing, engineering, professional services, not-for-profit, education, software technology, retail and many more. Chances are, we’ve worked for an organization like yours before.
I can’t hire or find good people fast enough. How will outsourcing to you help with this?
You might think that if you can’t find people quickly, an outsider definitely can’t. But we’ve proven over the years that the experience, time, attention and tools that we bring to the table can often help you find the best people for the job. Our goal is to perform all of the tasks necessary to position your company to attract the right people. We can take all hiring tasks off your desk and put the time and energy that’s needed to find great candidates. We can also provide advanced-level tools without any long-term investment on your part — tools such as an applicant tracking system to accept resumes in a professional manner and track the progress of your applicants, video interviewing tools, and more! You know how critical it is for you to make good hires efficiently and effectively.