3 Methods For Developing A Successful Hiring Manager Training Program

We follow an unconventional strategy when training effective hiring managers, which starts and ends with putting employees first and the organization second. While regular training for recruiters and sources is crucial, it’s also essential to train your hiring managers, not just those who make the final call but also those who might have the most influence on possible new hires.

It is essential to train your hiring managers, not just those who make the final call but also those who might influence potential new hires.

Three Tips for Developing Train and Hire Program

train and hire model

  • Understand the Basics

You should take the time to train them on the entire hiring process whenever a new hiring manager joins your team. If they are working with a recruiter, the recruiter should go through the particular procedure for the business and the department during the initial discussion about the job opening. This comprises developing the business’s employee value proposition, or EVP, and letting them know about the core company values, employment branding strategy, and recruitment marketing strategy.

  • Schedule Weekly Check-In Calls

A hiring manager should prepare for an initial discussion with a recruiting specialist to get an idea about the position and the perfect candidate. The hiring manager should be ready to answer any recruiter questions and thoroughly outline the job description and preferred candidate profile. To avoid delays or bottlenecks, he or she should prioritize weekly check-in calls.

  • The Training of Active Listening & Empathy

An important quality that many hiring managers lack is the ability to listen attentively for indications that a new hire might have skills that are untapped gems in the dark. Starting with strategic empathy, most managers lack the self-assurance to deviate from tried-and-true best practices during the hiring process.

Moreover, it takes empathy and awareness for a leader to recognize the transferable skills, be at ease with the lack of that one core skill and have the empathy to understand why they don’t have that skill and still find a way to make that work potentially. For example, let’s say you’re hiring a new marketing director who may need to gain graphic design skills. Still, they have conducted strategy execution for their brands that have worked out well from a marketing perspective. Great things can happen if a recruiting manager asks insightful questions, listens intently, and searches for ways to show empathy.

Final Words

As professionals in human resources and talent acquisition, we must ensure hiring managers get the training and skills necessary to understand and successfully carry out their responsibilities in the recruiting relationship. When this happens, we provide a successful ultimate result—a good hire—and a positive candidate experience for everyone.

Contact our team to get the best training and hiring program in India.