How To Develop An Effective On-The-Job-Training Program In 5 Steps? -

On-the-job training is one of the most momentous programs in an organization. The accomplishment of a business entirely depends on the effectiveness of training developed. Do you know that approximately 40% of employees shun away the company on account of poor on-the-job training within the first year? The training program is an indispensable investment in the valuable resources of a business i.e., employees.

 It should be built by considering cutting-edge strategies ensuring ultimate success. CBSI Global also offers a train to deploy program emphasizing training the candidate as per business requirements. So, this write-up attempts to demystify the 5 steps of building a successful training and development program. Read on to know why a business must hire train deploy programs.

Let’s Unlock the Talent & Development Skills in Employee- 5 Simple Steps

  1. Understanding the Vision and Mission Statement-

Before the development of a successful On-The-Job Training Program, you should be familiar with the organization’s goals. Pen down your expectations from your employees and then plan the training structure accordingly. In short, you need to bridge the gap between fresher and experienced employees. It should be prepared in alignment with the knowledge and skills gap among the employees.

  1. Gathering of Resources

The second step is to start curating the required resources. If you lack resources, training will be unsuccessful and eventually lead to exponential employee turnover. The more resources you have, the better-customized training programs can be developed.

For example- you can utilize eye-catching creatives, publications, printings, YouTube sites, and more. Make sure that you leave no stone unturned in making the On-The-Job Training Program outstanding that produces remarkable results.

  1. Designing of Structured Training Program

The most noteworthy thing to keep in mind is that don’t let your training program become counterproductive to the objectives. This simply means that you should avoid emphasizing a 24X7 learning program as employees won’t be able to grab the lessons much. You can break down the long-hour session into small ones. Training inclusive of activities and practical assignments has a tremendous success rate. All these things make the training successful and interesting for learners. Subsequently, this corresponds to the accomplishment of our training goals.

  1. Implementation of Right Skilled Trainers

Implementation of the training program is quite complex. However, it demands greater leadership skills and an experienced mentor. It has a plethora of benefits but requires the best professionals to deliver it. Moreover, you can also outsource the training programs on account of not having knowledge and resources. 

Check out the train and hire model offered by CBSI Global, which has served 500+ Businesses in hiring 44,800+ Technology Consultants so far.

  1. Evaluation & Revision

Last but certainly not least, one must continuously analyze the training program to find out the gaps and then apply implementation. Ask feedback from employees and try to include their suggestions. This way, you can maximize the benefits from the on-the-job training program.

Looking for a Perfect Partner for Hire Train Deploy Programs?

Being the FirstMeridian company, CBSI Global aims to unleash the best potential of skills in employees through its Hire-Train-Deploy Program.

At CBSI, our mission is to put the right skills and technical expertise in the candidates that are required in the organizations. Additionally, we have other services, including:

  • IT Contract Staffing Solution
  • Master Service Provider
  • Permanent Recruitment Solutions

Got a query? Let’s connect over a call with our experts right away!!